Friday, 27 November 2015


There are songs in my head
So I couldn't care less.
The world is at my feet
As I will be moving to the beat.

There's friendly banter in the background,
And people reading in their seats.
Typing on the keys
And swaying to the beat.

Footsteps heard in the corridors
Laughter echoing off the walls. 
Rain pattering on rooftops
Creating a funky beat. 

Monday, 16 November 2015

To complement, not complete

Have we established the fact that I am a girl? Well, if not, I am. Now that's off the way, I have heard many people, irrespective of their gender say they found the perfect partner, their better half. The one person who completes them. 

Now I don't know about the few of those who say that, but I for one (and some others I know for that matter) have a problem with this term 'better half'. Do they imply by saying their significant other is better than them, that the one saying so, is in some way, worse? Or that they are the lesser being of the two? When put that way, wouldn't you have a problem with those words?

I don't believe you should get into a relationship to find a better or worse person in anyone. You should accept the significant other as they are. A human being. And this human being shouldn't have to complete you either. And with that, I come to my other point. 

Why do people say their significant other 'completes' them? Does this mean they are not whole? Or that they lack a part of them? If that were the case, is it then wise to embark on a relationship? I mean if you're is incomplete, then shouldn't you be investing more into who you are and figuring out what you want, rather than in a relationship, trying to understand and make the relationship work? 

I do understand that nothing is perfect. But I also know that expecting someone else to be your happiness, to generate it and be the source of it can be detrimental. What if that source goes away - and I sincerely hope it doesn't happen to anyone, but what if? Where does that leave you? At rock bottom for sure. For you don't know what makes you happy alone as you have invested and are dependent on your happiness from a single source, a person, your significant other. 

So, I say, go figure yourself out first. Understand what makes you tick and what makes you happy. Learn to be at peace with yourself. Enjoy some solitary time. It's by being alone and truly alone that you learn to look within and know yourself. Trust me, this journey is as important as any other. For in knowing who you are, you learn to understand what you want in another. A partner. A significant other. 

When you know yourself, you know your happiness is depended on you, your own actions and not anyone else's. You learn to be a complete person, irrespective of having someone significant in your life or not. You are at peace. 

Photo credit:
With this peace comes understanding. This understanding leads you to knowing what to look for in your partner. You understand that the 'other' won't complete you, as you are a complete human being on your own. You then understand that the 'other' will only complement and add beauty to your life. That they too are complete on their own and thus will only inspire you towards greatness. And this isn't fluff or a fairy tale. It's all true and you will know when you find that person who complements you and makes you strive to achieve your completion all on your own. 

Ladies and gentlemen (because I am hoping I have a gender balanced readership) don't let the source of your happiness be an external
person. Don't rely on another to make you happy. Let happiness come from within you, and trust me, you won't regret it. 

So all the best and let that happiness shine from within. Peace. 

Assumptions vs Curiosity

I have recently been told that I am too curious, that I question things too much and that I assume things. I don't know what to make of these. So I have reflected on this thought and I have come to realise that I have always been interested in the 'Why's. Why some thing happens the way it does, why people behave the way they do, why... why... why....?

I, of course decided to take this in a positive light. It appears people have mistaken my curiosity towards life to assumptions. My curiosity generally doesn't mean any harm to anyone as I merely want to know whether some thing I have assumed is either prove it right or wrong. It's a personal thing.
This curiosity is innate to me. It's probably my curiosity towards life that makes me want to know and understand how and why things happen. My curiosity is varied. For example it can be towards wanting to know why my dog behaves a certain way in wanting to know why a certain concept is what it is to understanding the communication styles between people. 

And this curiosity is most likely why I am doing what I am doing right now. I am engaged in research and I am really happy doing so, as I get to unearth the 'why's. And in research, the 'why' is generally referred to as the hypothesis. :) As an academic and a researcher, our main purpose is to find a reasons to embark on research. A gap that needs to be filled. 

So I'd say this curiosity of mine is working fine for me in my career as I get to question away, until such time I prove something right or wrong. And that's what research is all about! You prove a theory, a thought, a concept etc true or false. 

Oh! I may have a reason and a valid job to be curious or question things, but do remember, a person's background and previous experience too plays a major part in these things. 

Monday, 9 November 2015

A State of Peaceful Happiness

Content. What does this mean? It's a word that's been constantly flung around by a lot people. People say they are content or they are not. But what do they really mean?

The Oxford English Dictionary says it is being "in a state of peaceful happiness". And this is something I have been feeling of late. I am really very happy about myself and my life. I know most will gasp at this, but that's how it is. I'm just happy. 

It's simply being satisfied. Satisfied about how things currently are and how things are progressing. It's a state of not worrying about the future. A state where I'm confident about how things will turn out. It's also a state where I have come to terms with the past. I'm neither saying I had a horrible past nor that it was a smooth walk. But I have dealt with the bad experiences, learnt from those mistakes, and come to where I am today; the present. And I suppose, this, makes me happy. 

Being content probably also means you will not let day-to-day problems affect your attitude towards life. That you will take the problem by the horns and will attempt to understand why it either bothers you or what affect its pros and / or cons will have on your life. It's the understanding that comes with it.  

I also think being content has a lot to do with who you are. Raise a few eyebrows and give me a quizzical look, perhaps? What I mean is, coming to terms with your individuality. Understanding who you are. And this is something i have been doing for a while, and I believe I am starting to see the benefits of it. It doesn't mean I am obnoxious and unpleasant about what I know about myself or my self-confidence. 

Contentment is also probably a state of self-awareness. It means, I understand my strengths and weaknesses and know what qualities I need to improve and what I need to relieve myself of. 

So this is my take on being content. It's probably a feeling. I don't know the exact word/s. I don't think phase would do justice to it. But I know I intend to let this last for a long time. 

Hope you also find contentment in your life. And hope the little insight from mine will help you towards achieving it. 