Friday, 16 November 2012

Woofing Tales

It turns out this week has been a week of the fluffy kind. Before you get your imaginations running, I mean nothing vulgar. I refer to the the furry creatures with cute little paws and wet noses. Figured it out yet?

This evening when coming home I saw a dog across the road running around in an empty patch of land with a shoe in his mouth. Now if I didn't see excitement, happiness, and extreme jubilation in it, I honestly don't know what is! I didn't get to see the face, but from what I could see, I knew there was that joy one gets in being able to do something spontaneous and super crazy! I couldn't help but smile.

The other day, while I was walking to catch my daily mode of transport, another one of these fluffy little things followed me. I don't know what prompted it or why it did so, but it did. It stopped after a while, guess it got bored of me just walking without doing something exciting or giving it something. But I know this much, it made eye contact with me for the brief moment I passed. There was some message. Then again, I could be crazy.

Did I mention about the wee little one down our road. I got an earful from my father when I sad I wanted to ring home a puppy that evening. Guess he wasn't too happy about having to look after another when I wasn't home. To this date I remember when I first saw him. He was probably not more than two months old and walking in the dead center of the road and vehicles were trying to find their way around him. I wanted to run and bring it to safety, but only at the risk of getting knocked down. As I stopped and watched for a break in the traffic for me to intervene in this otherwise death story, it managed to safely cross the road. The reason I mention this is because starting this week, I have seen this puppy every morning. And without a doubt, he is looking extremely adorable, with his ears standing super straight and his cute little face! When I saw him on Monday I was elated that I saw him that I almost got knocked down by a vehicle. Looks like vehicles seem to be the theme between this pup and me. And now, I look forward to my morning walks because I get a brief sighting of this little brownie.

After all these happy stories, I've a not so happy story as well. It turns out, my doggy was having high fever and I wasn't aware of it. I feel really bad until the Vet pointed it out. He was limping about the house and there I was, trying to see if he has thorn in his paw. Apparently limping is a sign of their weakness due to the fever. That is how they show they are sick  unless of course there is a fracture or a thorn is actually stuck. A small note to keep in mind, a dog's temperature can be noted by checking their ears as that's the most sensitive and accurate indication of its body heat.

I am sure there was another doggy tale I wanted to write about, but can't seem to work my brain to remember. Oh well! I will sure update this post should I remember it.

Woof woof!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

A Compliment, Insult or Constructive Criticism?

How would you react, if someone told you, you were different. Or that you have changed? In a positive way.
Would you take it as a compliment, an insult or just consider it as constructive criticism? Something to this end appeared on a friend's Facebook status this evening, and it got me thinking. How would you look at this?
So here's how I see it.

I think...
Maybe it's a compliment.

Maybe it's to help you recognise, the path you've taken. To value the beat up roads you had to trod on, to come to where you are today. To show you that those muddy roads have indeed done you well.
Maybe it's to show you the immensity of your decisions, the beauty in the person you've become. To show you that choices you made, have moulded you in to being the wonderful person you are today, so that you can live with no regrets. To help you value yourself.

Maybe it is to help you realise the person you have become. The strong and courageous person that you are today, that stands tall, regardless of what awaits to bring you down.

Maybe it's to help you value your journey. The obstacles you've overcome and the joys you have won. To help you value your experiences. It may be to make you a humble being.  

Who knows what people see in you?

Maybe they see strength in being able to persevere your dark days.

Maybe they see a role model in being able to meet the challenges.

Maybe they are proud of you, for walking the path your heart dictates.

Yes, all of this does matter. But what matters the most is that you perceive yourself in a positive way to give yourself confidence and to do the right thing when demanded.

I think how you view yourself matters more, than what other view of you.

Monday, 3 September 2012

The 24th Year of My Life

I know this will sound strange, jotting down one specific year of my life. But I realised that this one year, has been different in many ways and that it has been unique; in a way.

I remember going to sleep with a million calls from around the world [I kid you not]! I was in Kegalle when my birthday dawned and this is where the uniqueness of this year begins. I was in Kegalle, for the Training For Trusteeship [TFT] residential workshop. I had risen early that day, because as per the day's agenda, we were supposed to go see the sunrise. To date, I don't know how many actually did see the sunrise, but I can still clearly remember the wonderful scenery I saw that day. This could've been a sign that my year was going to be fresh each day and that I would have brighter days ahead! I can still remember the wonderful surprise the TFT organising committee threw for me at almost the last hour, catching me by complete surprise! [You guys did indeed surprise me & I am very thankful for that!] I guess the ice cream that night symbolised the sweetness my year would bring.

Sweet isn't really what I could say this year was for me. Bitter-sweet is more the term. I had many ups and downs, and the downs were some times a little too dangerously low for a person to handle. But looking back, I have realised that these 'down' moments have changed me completely, and that I view life in a different light.

If there's something I am really happy about my 24th, then it the fact that I got the chance to spend more time with nature, breaking away from the rat races of busy person's life! I guess I have learned how to look up at the clouds and disappear in to the land beyond [created in my head] or sit with the wind blowing in my face and being absorbed by it. I have mastered the art of walking through leech infested Sinharaja and not fainting, to being able to handle a few of them indeed crawling on me! [Special thanks to my de-leeching team for tolerating my screeches and paranoid moments, when the leech-going got too tough!] I have come to appreciate nature more this year, and I see that I have acquired a green eye thanks to all the nature lovers and environmentalists around me.

I have come to realise as much as stone people may view me to be, I still love my hugs! I have also come to not have a care in the world about what the 'mean' people would have to say, because, they won't have anything better to say! So if you're one of those people who's there to bring me down, know that I will not go down without a big fight!

I must admit that this year has had me thinking a lot. A lot in to the future as to what I want to do with the rest of my life and where I want to go. I must say, I have been fortunate enough to sway the way I would have never thought I would and be engaged in the work I am currently doing, because I would not have it any other way!

This year has taught me a few things about my friends and I now know who I can count on to be there for me. To the others, you will be a friend, but fear not, I shall not depend on you nor shall I put you in such a situation to embarrass you.

As life makes you walk a stray some times and walk a few miles, I have realised what in my life I have left behind that I miss. I miss the dramatic action that comes in momentarily in-acting another person's life to forgetting the worries of life and immersing myself in music and dance. I know I can only make it a part of my life from now, to make it more melodious and colourful, and it will not play a major role any more. I have learned to prioritise big time.

This year comes to an end, in a few hours as I write this. But ironically, the last significant memory of this year will again be TFT and that being the one which most recently concluded in Anuradhapura. I realised that change and volunteering/helping out will always play a major part in my life, no matter where I go. I am glad for the few shades I got darker, because I was able to have an amazing time, during the brief three days I spent.

I wish to give a big shout out to all that have stuck with me during this year, even when I wasn't the most easy person to get along with. For those who encouraged me and got me to where I am today. Last but not least, I want to apologise to anyone I may have unintentionally hurt along my way this year. I am really sorry.

So cheers to my 24th year of life and hoping to have an eventful 25th or as I am told a quarter century [some believe I will live to see a 100!]

Thank you!

Moods of Change

Who knew you had moods?
Changing ever so often,
Within a few seconds.

You showed me with your moods,
Blues, greys, yellows, reds and oranges
Who knew you would change,
Have many feelings to show?

I had not a say,
No option.
You changed, like the clouds in the sky,
Like the setting sun.

Ultimate Bliss

Is when the clouds form above me,
Alive with bright yellows, oranges & red,
While I sit on a tank's bunt,
With the wind blowing.
Blowing, strong enough to sweep me off my feet,
To the distant rainbows yonder.

Freedom, is when the calf runs around the meadow,
Unaware of any dangers that await,
Lurking in the bushes at the edge.

Bliss is when I know,
Sitting there with the wind in my hair,
There are no worries,
Besides rooting my feet as such
That I don't blow away.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Arming Children with Guns

Yes, you read that right. Arming children with guns. I bet you are imagining children carrying large, 'bulky' things or maybe even child soldiers! As real as that may be, I am not referring to 'this' arming of children.

What I am referring to it the toy guns that children -boys seem to be prone to this- are being gifted with plastic guns as gifts or toys. I find this, unsettling!

Let me share a small incident that led me to writing this. Yesterday, I was travelling after work, and I saw this child playing with a toy gun. Holding the gun and moving around as if trying to navigate himself away from a moving enemy. Then he began to shoot! doom! doom! doom!

It disturbed me. This-a child bearing a gun-seemed wrong, somehow. I realised that by giving a child a gun, we are making them accustomed to not only carrying a weapon, but also to violence. At a deeper level, we are teaching our children to be at war with their childhood.

I am not a saint. I too am guilty of having held a 'gun' when I was small. My brother and I had water guns, and beebee guns. When we were not targeting ourselves, we used to target our unsuspecting neighbours. And we found it thrilling. I am ashamed to say that I found joy in another's pain.

This is why I can look back and say now, that giving children 'weapons' to play with and advocating violence, is wrong. Thankfully, I don't find harming others a joy any more. But will everyone who finds joy in this, change their mind?

Please, don't tell me I am blowing things out of proportion. 

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Beyond Borders’ Inspirational Dansala

What comes to mind when you think of Vesak? I am sure you’re reminded of observing sil, going to the temple and worshipping, the jathaka stories, the stories from life of Lord Buddha, the importance of the Dhamma etc. I am sure that thoughts of making Vesak koodu (lanterns) at home, of the lavishly lit thoran (pandols) and dansal will run on the fringe of your mind as well.

Whilst the religious activities continued throughout the weekend, where many visited the temples to observe sil or to engage in the Dhamma, at night, the country was up in lights and music. Throngs of people walked on the roads or got in to trucks to go see Vesak. To enjoy the massive thoran which depict stories from Lord Buddha’s life or to enjoy food from a dansala.

Speaking of Dansal, the only thing that comes to a Sri Lankan’s mind is food! Various kinds of food, be it a hot meal of rice and curry or ice cream. However, this year Beyond Borders gave the word dansala and its concept, a whole new meaning! Working on the lines of inspiring, Beyond Borders decided to have an ‘Inspiration Dansala’ whereby distributing quotes from the Dhammapada, to the general public making the people more aware of the meaning behind this religious celebrations.

Joining the people on the streets of Colombo, the guys and girls from Beyond Borders gathered near the Gangarama Temple to spread the inspiration to the people. With a few hiccups at the start, the distribution of these quotes had a lovely response with some people coming behind the energetic team asking for more sticker quotes, or asking for translations!

Even though our team was a little hesitant in getting this going, we felt welcomed by the response from the people. The overall experience was overwhelming!

The original post can be found on the Beyond Borders blog.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


Linger in mind, he does
Hold him or not, I know not.

In my hand your hands entwined,
Is what I see, night after night.

I had you once and I let you go,
You're back again, I shouldn't let you go.

Give more time, my mind shouts,
Take the chance, my heart screams out. 

Thursday, 19 April 2012

The New Low of Fairness Creams

I came across the above advertisement promoted in India for a fairness cream. I bet you're wondering as to why I plan to write about a 'fairness cream' as many ladies these days make use of it. But what's worrying about this advertisement is that it promotes a fairness cream for the vagina! 

A detailed description of the advertisement has been written by Jazebel. As stated, this advertisement is for

"... an Indian product called Clean and Dry Intimate Wash, a (very light-skinned) couple sits down for what would have been a peaceful cup of morning coffee—if the woman’s disgusting brown vagina hadn’t ruined everything!"

The message conveyed by this advertisement says that women should have fairer vaginas. This is alarming! Fairness creams are dangerous, if not life threatening. What startles me is that the cosmetic industry produces new products such as this and molds the way society should think with regard to a woman's beauty and also forces women to think and adhere to it. Thus creating the notion that women should be fair among other societal classifications to be a 'typical pretty' woman. 

Going Global speaks of the objectification of women. Surely, us women are more than objects for men to look at, touch etc. Has society forgotten that women have an intellect and can engage in intellectual conversations? Or that we have a personality, unique to each and everyone that beats their beauty? Are women only to be thought of as 'objects' and is this what society wants? What becomes of the future of women if this were to follow? Wouldn't the outcome be scary or will women blindly follow what the advertisements produced by the cosmetic brands say?

As Indi rightly states, "... [fairness creams are] unsafe, and dangerous to peoples health". Society should put a stop to the objectification of women!We as women should and ought to play a stronger role in voicing our opinion about the negativity that is created about such horrific so-called 'beauty' products! 

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Born to Fly

The special lecture by H.E. Dr. Abdul Kalam, to coincide with the
 "2012 Trilingual  Policy: of Sri Lanka
He spoke to us,
As he held our gaze.
I could feel what he said,
Because he meant everything.

I could feel that I was 'born to fly'
As he instilled belief in me again.
I realised that there are great things to achieve,
As I am a unique being.

He was humourous.
He spoke about serious things,
But he was not lecturing us.
He was simply giving us the wings,
Teaching us that our wings aren't clipped
And that we can, indeed fly.

I felt grounded and humble,
As he stood there,
A man of the world, a man of great knowledge, 

Talking to us mostly, as a friend.

I know we will all fly,
Reach greater heights,
As we have been inspired,
Inspired to be a better person, an individual,
Finally, a unique Sri Lankan.

Written in appreciation of H.E. Dr. Abdul Kalam's special lecture conducted this evening, in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

The Amazing Friend

Have you a friend who can make you smile without knowing you're having a bad day? Have you a friend who can shed light to you without knowing that your path is suddenly dark? Have you a friend who knows just the right time to hold an umbrella without knowing you're having a rainy day? I have one, and I thought of writing a few words about this amazing person! 

She has this impressive ability to read and unread me. She knows my every smile and the rain clouds that hover over me. When we were just kids in school, we thought we were soul-mates; who knows, we probably are! She never fails to help me out without knowing I needed it. 

Today as customary, I was reading one of her weekly articles. (Her weekly column can be found on her blog  here) Suddenly I felt light at heart and I realised I could empathise with every single word she wrote. In that understanding, I realised she had given me an answer, I didn't even know I was searching for. To me, her weekly column has become a guide. A guide to solve my problems and sometimes, at times like this, a provider of answers to queries I knew not I had. 

Is it not only her weekly columns that teach me and guide me. She has taught me quite a lot about life, be it by sitting silently with me, with the wind blowing through our hair and the sun blazing on our faces or by writing to me or even by recommending a book to read. 

We realised at an early age that it is the little that we do that always means a lot. I am glad we realised this early on in life. When we studied together, I remember we found so much of depth in meaning in two texts we were studying at the time, MacBeth and Pride & Prejudice. To date, I can remember the lines to quote should I need to or even to crack a joke, and I know I can say the same of her, "coz he love'd thee well" (MacBeth).

I don't mean to brag about her, but I must say with time, I have come to appreciate beautiful friendships like this. As people walk in and out of your life but only some really understand you. Only a few, a very few people truly care about you.  

Saturday, 14 January 2012

The Splash

I swallowed a rock I thought not I could.
I drowned in an ocean, that wasn't visible to me.
I stopped breathing, coz no air I could feel.
I stopped... I drowned... I died

The granite tied to my feet dragged me down,
I hit the bottom, I heard the 'thud'.
I let the air leave my lungs, because
I stopped... I drowned.. I died

Who'd have thought it would blast this way,
The words spoken, ignited my way.
I can only feel the darkness now,
As I stopped... I drowned... I died...

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

I realised I'm innocent

I realised I'm innocent,
In that there are so many ugly things happening around me,
But I'm ignorant to those.

I realised I'm innocent,
Because there are so many backstabbers
But I see no use in that.

I realised I'm innocent
Because I don't meddle in other's dirty work
And my hands are clean.

I realised I'm innocent
Because my heart is pure
And I do no evil.

I realised I'm innocent
As I can sleep peacefully at night,
Without my dreams keeping me awake at night.

I realised I'm innocent,
Because I'm still like a child
And mean no harm to anyone.

I realised I'm innocent,
Because I want to live freely,
Walking my life's path.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Path to My Inner Being

Life is like a rat race. That's a fact. This is what modern life is and it's made us in to rats! 

I have been running in this race for far too long I felt, and I wanted out. I wanted out really bad. So I got out. 

It was simple. It's shocking some would say; but I am happy. At least more than I was several months back. I am smiling again. 

I decided that I need to take this 'time off' and rediscover myself. I missed who I was before this rat race started. I have been up to a bit of soul searching and have realised that I miss the spiritual side of myself. I miss the meditating, and that wonderful connection I had with my inner being. I miss the time I had to sit and read or even to get some proper sleep. I realised, we don't have to wait till we are old and grey to enjoy these things. These are some of life's most simple wonders that we fail to see, in our race to reach the top (or where ever it is that one intends to reach). 

I'm back to being in love with my surroundings; with nature. I realised the rat race hadn't given me the time to enjoy it as much as I wanted. I stare at the clouds as they float over me. I stick my head out of the vehicle, to breathe in the fresh air (not in the City of course!) loving the feeling of the cool air wash over my face and taking with it all my worries. I am loving the fact that I can go on spontaneous trips, just to enjoy the countryside. I am blissful. 

I have come to realise that I miss the silence that the City doesn't give. The humming of insects and the chirping of birds. I miss the whistle in the wind that can be heard only when you're truly listening.  I miss the smell of the Earth, in its uniqueness from place to place. The richness of our nature, that we fail to see, because we don't stop running. 

I miss being at home (not my house home) but completely within myself. I think I am starting to feel whole again after a long time. 

I guess I am smelling the roses as I walk. 

"Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it." Jacques Prevert