Saturday, 21 January 2012

Born to Fly

The special lecture by H.E. Dr. Abdul Kalam, to coincide with the
 "2012 Trilingual  Policy: of Sri Lanka
He spoke to us,
As he held our gaze.
I could feel what he said,
Because he meant everything.

I could feel that I was 'born to fly'
As he instilled belief in me again.
I realised that there are great things to achieve,
As I am a unique being.

He was humourous.
He spoke about serious things,
But he was not lecturing us.
He was simply giving us the wings,
Teaching us that our wings aren't clipped
And that we can, indeed fly.

I felt grounded and humble,
As he stood there,
A man of the world, a man of great knowledge, 

Talking to us mostly, as a friend.

I know we will all fly,
Reach greater heights,
As we have been inspired,
Inspired to be a better person, an individual,
Finally, a unique Sri Lankan.

Written in appreciation of H.E. Dr. Abdul Kalam's special lecture conducted this evening, in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

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