Tears, be sorry for me, know not how,
Shall I, be forgiven..
A great crime, of feelings,
Hurt by my stupidity,
Shall I live.

Drifting along, the sky, wonders,
Will I be punished; oh yes, most heavily.
A crime, my guilt, makes me mad.
Not that I will leave you alone,
Precious flower, for the storm to blow over you,
I shall always sheild you.
For my mistake, I'll always be conscious.
In my heart, tears flow....
Bring together the joy that lost,
Please find a way.....
A desperate request,
For you and me,
Foever shall be,
if you want it to be,
Dear, old friend....
thou writes with a profound sensitivity lass, I am touched.
Thank you. Sorry, I didn't thank you before.
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