The sky sleeps, the moon shines,
The air I breath is cool and soft,
To see the nice, the glories,
Must find my way, "home...."
Not a place to go, but to live,
A place to stay, yet to feel,
To shine like the stars above,
Where I can be me, my "home...."
People are there, with their best smiles,
People are there, with their soft most tear
The inner most joys and sorrows
To be shared, this place, at "home...."
Rainbows shine, after rain,
Flowers bloom and smiles appear,
"Friends" come and cheer "you"
Because this is the place I call "home...."
I am safe, I am wanted
I help and I receive
I play and enjoy myself
For this place is my place, my "home...."
Secure as it can be,
To help me be myself,
To gaurd me, to help me,
My "family", my "home...."
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