I know this will sound strange, jotting down one specific year of my life. But I realised that this one year, has been different in many ways and that it has been unique; in a way.
I remember going to sleep with a million calls from around the world [I kid you not]! I was in Kegalle when my birthday dawned and this is where the uniqueness of this year begins. I was in Kegalle, for the Training For Trusteeship [TFT] residential workshop. I had risen early that day, because as per the day's agenda, we were supposed to go see the sunrise. To date, I don't know how many actually did see the sunrise, but I can still clearly remember the wonderful scenery I saw that day. This could've been a sign that my year was going to be fresh each day and that I would have brighter days ahead! I can still remember the wonderful surprise the TFT organising committee threw for me at almost the last hour, catching me by complete surprise! [You guys did indeed surprise me & I am very thankful for that!] I guess the ice cream that night symbolised the sweetness my year would bring.
Sweet isn't really what I could say this year was for me. Bitter-sweet is more the term. I had many ups and downs, and the downs were some times a little too dangerously low for a person to handle. But looking back, I have realised that these 'down' moments have changed me completely, and that I view life in a different light.
If there's something I am really happy about my 24th, then it the fact that I got the chance to spend more time with nature, breaking away from the rat races of busy person's life! I guess I have learned how to look up at the clouds and disappear in to the land beyond [created in my head] or sit with the wind blowing in my face and being absorbed by it. I have mastered the art of walking through leech infested Sinharaja and not fainting, to being able to handle a few of them indeed crawling on me! [Special thanks to my de-leeching team for tolerating my screeches and paranoid moments, when the leech-going got too tough!] I have come to appreciate nature more this year, and I see that I have acquired a green eye thanks to all the nature lovers and environmentalists around me.
I have come to realise as much as stone people may view me to be, I still love my hugs! I have also come to not have a care in the world about what the 'mean' people would have to say, because, they won't have anything better to say! So if you're one of those people who's there to bring me down, know that I will not go down without a big fight!
I must admit that this year has had me thinking a lot. A lot in to the future as to what I want to do with the rest of my life and where I want to go. I must say, I have been fortunate enough to sway the way I would have never thought I would and be engaged in the work I am currently doing, because I would not have it any other way!
This year has taught me a few things about my friends and I now know who I can count on to be there for me. To the others, you will be a friend, but fear not, I shall not depend on you nor shall I put you in such a situation to embarrass you.
As life makes you walk a stray some times and walk a few miles, I have realised what in my life I have left behind that I miss. I miss the dramatic action that comes in momentarily in-acting another person's life to forgetting the worries of life and immersing myself in music and dance. I know I can only make it a part of my life from now, to make it more melodious and colourful, and it will not play a major role any more. I have learned to prioritise big time.
This year comes to an end, in a few hours as I write this. But ironically, the last significant memory of this year will again be TFT and that being the one which most recently concluded in Anuradhapura. I realised that change and volunteering/helping out will always play a major part in my life, no matter where I go. I am glad for the few shades I got darker, because I was able to have an amazing time, during the brief three days I spent.
I wish to give a big shout out to all that have stuck with me during this year, even when I wasn't the most easy person to get along with. For those who encouraged me and got me to where I am today. Last but not least, I want to apologise to anyone I may have unintentionally hurt along my way this year. I am really sorry.
So cheers to my 24th year of life and hoping to have an eventful 25th or as I am told a quarter century [some believe I will live to see a 100!]
Thank you!
Sweet isn't really what I could say this year was for me. Bitter-sweet is more the term. I had many ups and downs, and the downs were some times a little too dangerously low for a person to handle. But looking back, I have realised that these 'down' moments have changed me completely, and that I view life in a different light.
If there's something I am really happy about my 24th, then it the fact that I got the chance to spend more time with nature, breaking away from the rat races of busy person's life! I guess I have learned how to look up at the clouds and disappear in to the land beyond [created in my head] or sit with the wind blowing in my face and being absorbed by it. I have mastered the art of walking through leech infested Sinharaja and not fainting, to being able to handle a few of them indeed crawling on me! [Special thanks to my de-leeching team for tolerating my screeches and paranoid moments, when the leech-going got too tough!] I have come to appreciate nature more this year, and I see that I have acquired a green eye thanks to all the nature lovers and environmentalists around me.
I have come to realise as much as stone people may view me to be, I still love my hugs! I have also come to not have a care in the world about what the 'mean' people would have to say, because, they won't have anything better to say! So if you're one of those people who's there to bring me down, know that I will not go down without a big fight!
I must admit that this year has had me thinking a lot. A lot in to the future as to what I want to do with the rest of my life and where I want to go. I must say, I have been fortunate enough to sway the way I would have never thought I would and be engaged in the work I am currently doing, because I would not have it any other way!
This year has taught me a few things about my friends and I now know who I can count on to be there for me. To the others, you will be a friend, but fear not, I shall not depend on you nor shall I put you in such a situation to embarrass you.
As life makes you walk a stray some times and walk a few miles, I have realised what in my life I have left behind that I miss. I miss the dramatic action that comes in momentarily in-acting another person's life to forgetting the worries of life and immersing myself in music and dance. I know I can only make it a part of my life from now, to make it more melodious and colourful, and it will not play a major role any more. I have learned to prioritise big time.
I wish to give a big shout out to all that have stuck with me during this year, even when I wasn't the most easy person to get along with. For those who encouraged me and got me to where I am today. Last but not least, I want to apologise to anyone I may have unintentionally hurt along my way this year. I am really sorry.
So cheers to my 24th year of life and hoping to have an eventful 25th or as I am told a quarter century [some believe I will live to see a 100!]
Thank you!
With Warmest wishes
on your Birthday,
Wishing you happiness day after day for the coming years.
Happy Birthday Bugs!!
May your dreams come true!
Thanks a lot DJ! Means much!
Quarter :P
lol.. Miss Jill :P
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