Friday, 28 December 2018

නුඹ‌ෙ ල‌ෝක‌ෙ මම සිටින්න‌ේ නම්

නුඹ මාගැන සිතන්න‌ේ ද?
නුඹ‌ෙ ල‌ෝක‌ෙ මම සිටින්න‌ේ ද? 
මා කෙසේද ඒබව දැන ගන්න‌ෙ
නුඹ මට ඒබව න‌ොපවසන්න‌ේ නම්...

සිතින් සිතා ඒබව පැතුව ද
මාළිගා අහස් උසට තැනුව ද
මා ක‌ෙස‌ේද දන්න‌ෙ නුඹෙ ආදර‌ෙ මට,
නුඹ මට ඒබව හඟවන්න‌ෙ නැතිනම්?

නුඹගැන සිතා මසිත උමතුව‌ෙලා
කාලය ක‌ෙස‌ේ ග‌ෙව‌ෙනවාද කියා හැඟීමක් ද නැත.
නුඹ‌ෙ ල‌ෝක‌ෙ මම සිටින්න‌ේ නම්
එතරම් සතුටක් මට ක‌ොහ‌ෙවත් නැත. 

How do I know?

How do I know you think of me?
How do I know I am in your world?

These are questions twirling in my mind,
Wondering if answers I would ever find. 

How do I know you think of me?
How do I know I am in your world?
Affirmative are your answers to the above,
But how do I know so, if you show me not, my love?

It's by the little things he shows me,
So small they seem to almost go unseen.
Conscious now, I do agree,
That at times, I am your mind's queen. 

Monday, 12 November 2018

Back on my feet

My friends helped me understand
And get back on my feet. 
There was no point being in no-man's land, 
If there was going to be no heat. 

If a cave was where he wanted to go,
I was ready to build my fire and stay.
But if he was gonna stoop so low,
I had to pack my things and run away. 

No point in tears being shed, I felt.
For he didn't appreciate my presence. 
I felt like I was on a conveyor belt,
Waiting to be dealt my prison sentence. 

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Waiting for him to fight his demons

Her heart shattered into a million little pieces, 
When he said he didn't have anyone to comfort him. 
When in reality she was around, 
Waiting for him to notice her, let her heal him. 

He tears in silence, 
Unable to bear his loneliness. 
She suffers silently and alone, 
Waiting for him to realise her existence. 

She was reassured that it is fine to be scared That what she is feeling is natural.
He knows he makes her alive, 
Yet she sits in silence, waiting for him to fight his demons. 

Saturday, 10 November 2018

I hope you find your peace

Thoughts gushing like the hive of a swarm. 
Emotions rotating, caught unaware near a smoke bomb. 
You are looking, searching for the eye of the storm, 
A place to retreat to, a place of calm. 

Rationalise what you feel, 
Because I know you are confused. 
Go ahead and make that deal, 
For I know you are properly bruised. 

I hope you find your peace, 
Be it by falling on your knees in pray, 
To find some ease,
Because I need to know you will be okay.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

On the Edge

On the edge I wait,
The gap, a mere foot away.
To plunge or to pull back,
I stare into the horizon and think. 

It's also like a gate, 
Waiting to be opened,
Enticing me with its charm, 
And making me wonder, what awaits.

Sense tells me, don't go there.
To take a different path.
All these dark emotions,
Keep pushing me, into the void below. 

Tuesday, 6 November 2018


I met with an accident roughly two weeks ago. It was the first accident of this nature that I had to experience. Needless to say, I was shocked. Even today - two weeks later - it's still unbelievable.

I remember the impact. Then the next thing I know, I feel the car shifting side ways; it was beyond my control. I remember objects hitting me. I remember applying the brakes as pedestrians appeared before me. And then I remember being in inexplainable shock. The driver and the passengers from the other vehicle were shouting, but it was like my mind had stopped working. 

I won't even talk about how it felt to be alone as a woman going through all this. As much as I am appreciative of the men who came forward to help, I also realised the driver who knocked me and his people were trying to blame me; victimise me. As if the ordeal of the whole thing wasn't enough for me to deal with. 

The first thing I felt when I was home was the headache followed by nausea. I realised this was caused by the concussion. As I was wrapping my head around these feelings, I realised both my neck and spine too were hurting. This, I knew was bad. Very very bad. As someone who has grown up with spine aches, I knew the pain I felt wasn't ordinary. 

So began my horrors. After being admitted to the hospital for the mandatory 24 hours of observation, I met my orthopaedic who - after many scans and x-rays later - informed me I have a spinal fracture! As if wearing a collar for three weeks wasn't bad enough, I was then adviced to wear a lumbar sacral belt for six weeks. 

And commenced by days of being immobile or as a friends said, "being grounded." Wearing the collar and belt seems far simpler when considering I am unable to move about independently. I am not permited to take the stairs, lift heavy objects, shopping bags or even a handbag. I am unable to travel about - not having the vehicle is partly responsible - but I doubt I could with all this body armour of mine.

This led me to realise how independent I am and how much I value being able to do things on my own. I also realised how much work I do and how freely I generally move about. This realisation and understanding is awfully depressing, seeing that there is neither a way to turn back the clock nor anything I can do but follow medical advice to heal soon. The pain in the neck and spine doesn't make this realisation any sweeter either. 

But there is a silver lining to this. I have come to appreciate my family more. I have realised my father has and would continue to weather the storms to ensure I am recovering. As a result, he's probably the most strict about my movements. This also made me realise how important it is to have a close group of friends. Friends who would support and also provide me with enough distractions to ensure I don't end up in the loony bin. 

These are small victories. But it still remains that I have to sacrifice on being independent and being able to manage my own life. At 30 years, this is a bombshell of an experience. And it is generally the inability to manage on one's own that actually affects the person the most, and I am realising this, albeit the hard way.

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

It's really easy

Look it's really easy with me
I look for consistency and honesty,
Way more than the glee.
If you say you want me,
There is nothing more you can do,
But to come and find me,
Underneath the hullabaloo.

I know you are struggling,
It's honestly pretty sweet.
I'm a very patient person,
Why don't you come and see?

You say you want some time,
I'm fine to take it slow.
So maybe you can shed that cover,
And come, make me glow.

We both got some history,
Well, so does perfect wine.
So maybe we can make it work,
How about a sure sign? 

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Memories Lost

If you feel so intensely about memories lost, 
Imagine the wonders in new memories with no dust. 
Some times the past is meant to be where it is,
Rehashing them will give you nothing, never bliss. 

You will hurt your head by looking over your shoulder, 
So have some faith and leap over that boulder. 
Kisses, cuddles, hugs and love
Can be found again, but not thereof. 

Seek to look forward, 
Memories and all.
Be purposeful not wayward,
And make that first call. 

Long-lost Connections

Reading through your lines, I wanted to be that perfection, 
You missed so much, and felt that connection .
I wanted to be those lips, that were longed so deeply,
To kiss you with such passion, that you'll feel completely .
If dreams are what you want to create, 
I'll be that creation, so baby don't think about long-lost connections.

Monday, 29 October 2018

The Allure to Fly

What was it that made you want to spread your wings and fly?
Was it the allure of the clear blue skies? 
Or was it the wind under the wings,
to flutter by or soar in the sky?

What makes you feel you have to run far away?
Was it the feel of the wind in your face
Or was it the feel of the grass under your sole?
Do you think you can ever end the run?

Do you want to continue to fly away and hide?
Or would you rather come out, without saying goodbye?
Do you always plan to stay stored away,
And not let the world see your vulnerable gaze?

The Unsaid

It's easy to cage a wandering heart,
But not so to ease the pain of a broken heart.
It's convenient to let the mind wander,
But takes courage, to let another conquer. 

Giving wings to hearts, won't heal
Some TLC will do the deed. 
Let the thoughts flow and feel,
Let her be thy comfort and need. 

Many things were said and done,
Yet so much is left unsaid. 
Let it be known dear son,
Before everyone starts to regret. 

Friday, 26 October 2018

Moving On

Too many paths to take,
Too many lights to follow,
Distractions galore,
But I must keep moving on.

Many an outstretched hand
Leading me, showing me different paths.
But I need to reach for that one hand,
That will only lead to my heart.

I dare not chose the wrong path,
It's too dark to lose my way,
I wish to take that one hand,
That is sure to light my way.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Too crowded

I miss him today,
Maybe because I know he isn't around anymore.
Because, I don't have access.
Or the memories and how he made me feel.

I remember old songs,
And even agree with random lyrics.
Things that remind me of him.
I smile to myself.

But it is probably for the best
That we went our separate ways.
There doesn't seem to be enough space for me in your life.
It's already too crowded. 

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

The Hiker

I cannot seem to take off those rose-tinted glasses you put on me.
The spell casted seems everlasting; I feel shackled.
Steps taken would be much stable without the confusion
And the onward vision far clearer, without the fog. 

I have tried to break the shackles and fly away,
But the power that you have 
And the strength with which you embrace my being
Is overwhelming. More than I can endure.

I sense a great mountain before me,
And a wilderness of thorny bushes to navigate through. 
The lacerations are already visible 
Yet unavoidable. 

The hiker in me is determined to climb to the top of the mountain.
To enjoy the view by conquering the wilderness and the fog. 
Discarding the rose-tinted glasses and the shackles you have on me
Would be the ultimate triumph for the hiker that is me. 

Friday, 16 March 2018

I wonder whether I am born in the wrong era

I wonder whether I am born in the wrong era
as I don't seem to connect.
All these networks, devices and media don't help either,
as I long for the painstakingly written long letter,
infused with the aroma of the writing pad and the person writing,
wanting to engulf in their thoughts and walk in their shoes for a while. 

I wonder whether I am born in the wrong era
as I seem to value relationships differently.
These quick fixes and phobia people attach to commitment 
aren't my cup of tea.
Because I come from the loyal tribe, where we stick through thick and thin. 

I wonder whether I am born in the wrong era
as my worldview appears to be unique.
The generation above me understand me 
more than my peers and contemporaries. 
I am told I think beyond my years. 

These thoughts aren't new either, 
but heightened with the passing of time.
I value philosophies and find solace within the pages of a book
I find meaning in the quality of life and the bonds made, 
and abhor the petty thoughts and the decietful behaviour of people.