Sunday, 25 August 2013

My Yesterday

Besides being 'yesterday', it was one of my friend's weddings. My friend's friends, i.e. us, were in-charge of making her dream day run smoothly.
So that aside, a few things did happen that was amusing. One, I finally met this person I have heard so much about! From ages ago, since perhaps school days. It was refreshing to finally meet the person, people around me had to talk about. Must say requesting for dessert from the hotel saying it's for the 'bride' and eating it amongst three people with the said newly met person, was a lovely way of starting the friendship!
I was one those people walking around with a file, lots of schedules and seating plans, plus talking on the phone coordinating things-along with a bunch of others- at the wedding. For the first time in my life, I had random uncles and aunties saying 'hello', 'how are you?' etc. It was a very refreshing change. I mean generally people attending an event would ask you where to go, or where their seats are, once they figure out you know what's happening at the even. Being in PR, I sure was a happy person after those lovely greetings! :)
Making sure the decorations were all complete, helping the bride's mother, making sure the bridal retinue walks in on time, getting certain surprises going were some of the things I was tasked with. I tell you -even while being in PR- there's nothing more stressful that making sure a wedding goes well! Amidst all this hullabaloo, I had one lady come up to me prior to the wedding-I am guessing she was viewing the hall with the hotel staff-and ask me how I draped my saree! There I was making sure the throne area was completed with the relevant people and this person was trying to chat me up about draping sarees! She started off with how pretty the saree was and to who dressed me. When I said I dressed myself, she wanted to know if dressed people and how I found the 'style', if it was 'new'. [sigh] I honestly don't understand people like her! I mean there I was busy with wedding things and she wanted to have a discussion with me about sarees!
It truly is amazing what life brings your way, when you least expect it.

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