Have you a friend who can make you smile without knowing you're having a bad day? Have you a friend who can shed light to you without knowing that your path is suddenly dark? Have you a friend who knows just the right time to hold an umbrella without knowing you're having a rainy day? I have one, and I thought of writing a few words about this amazing person!
She has this impressive ability to read and unread me. She knows my every smile and the rain clouds that hover over me. When we were just kids in school, we thought we were soul-mates; who knows, we probably are! She never fails to help me out without knowing I needed it.
Today as customary, I was reading one of her weekly articles. (Her weekly column can be found on her blog here) Suddenly I felt light at heart and I realised I could empathise with every single word she wrote. In that understanding, I realised she had given me an answer, I didn't even know I was searching for. To me, her weekly column has become a guide. A guide to solve my problems and sometimes, at times like this, a provider of answers to queries I knew not I had.
Is it not only her weekly columns that teach me and guide me. She has taught me quite a lot about life, be it by sitting silently with me, with the wind blowing through our hair and the sun blazing on our faces or by writing to me or even by recommending a book to read.
We realised at an early age that it is the little that we do that always means a lot. I am glad we realised this early on in life. When we studied together, I remember we found so much of depth in meaning in two texts we were studying at the time, MacBeth and Pride & Prejudice. To date, I can remember the lines to quote should I need to or even to crack a joke, and I know I can say the same of her, "coz he love'd thee well" (MacBeth).
I don't mean to brag about her, but I must say with time, I have come to appreciate beautiful friendships like this. As people walk in and out of your life but only some really understand you. Only a few, a very few people truly care about you.