Friday, 31 December 2010

Don’t Tell Me Petty Things

Don’t tell me I can’t sing

Coz I will hold a note to perfection,

If need be.

Don’t tell me I can’t dance,

Coz I will dance to perfection, in rhythm

So you hold your breath in amazement.

Don’t tell me I am not good,

Coz I will show you that I am

And one day, you will change your mind.

Don’t tell me the world doesn’t need me,

Coz I will work hard,

To show you otherwise.

Don’t tell me I won’t make it in this world,

Coz I will strive to achieve the best,

And be a ‘someone’ one day!

Don’t tell me these petty things,

Coz you are angry or jealous of me,

Coz we both know you’re wrong!

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Sudu Achchi in My Memory

She would sit at the corner chair near the window, with her legs up on a stool. Wearing a loose blouse and a cheeththa redda she would gaze intently at the road while sitting there. On occasion she’d say something to one of her daughters or grandchildren, who whoever is seated close by. This is how I remember my Sudu Achchi, my maternal grandmother.

Sudu Achchi was the only grandparent I got to know during my life as the others had passed away long before I saw the light of this world. She was called Sudu Achchi by us, her grandchildren as she was fair in complexion as well as having a head of long white hair. She was chubby and had a rough voice. What I mean to say is her voice wasn’t high pitched. Her chubbiness has been passed down from generation to generation and some of her children and even grandchildren have the luxury of been the genetic inheritors of this! [Yes, me too] She liked wearing the cheeththe, “it is comfortable” she used to say. This is how I remember her, with her chubbiness and fair complexion. That was her identity.

I remember Achchi sitting at her ‘spot’ or achchige putuwa as we used to call it and gaze at the road in the evenings. Sometimes, watching us grandchildren play in the garden in the evening; be it hide and seek or running games. Being the tomboy I was back then [ok, I guess I still am], I use to join her sometimes, sitting at ‘my spot’ on the parapet wall near the gate. She used to scold me then, saying that I will fall, and from that height, injure myself. But I never listened. I liked that spot and she knew it! So together we’d sit and look at the road, it was a people watching experience, which even now I continue to do unconsciously. [Not sitting on the parapet wall though.] We’d laugh at something funny or even watch together waiting for ammi (my mother) to come home from work. I remember having conversations with her while sitting there on the wall, legs swinging in the air and achchi seated at her spot near the window. I miss those times. Later achchi’s house underwent renovations and the structure changed completely, up front. The one thing I still yearn for is my spot on the wall, where I can sit and reconnect with her. Even to-date, when visiting achchi’s place [I still haven’t got use to calling it anything else besides achchi’s house] I look at the window where she used to sit and feel like she’s still there watching the road. I miss her presence. For me, it will always be ‘her spot’.

Achchi was a little old when I was small, so I always knew her as the white haired, soft skinned, wrinkled lady. She could be stern when she wanted to be, especially with us grandchildren. I particularly remember this one recurring incident. Achchi loved to have a nap in the afternoon, a little while after having her lunch. It energized her she use to say. Me, being the little girl and tomboy that I was, full of energy felt otherwise! For me, this was the time to play and have fun after school. Of course, there was a conflict of interest here; Achchi wanted peace and quiet at home while she slept and I wanted to play! So the result was always her running around the house behind me with a cane, trying to catch me. She was never able to catch me [of course!], but I liked running around the house with achchi at my heels, because this was also the only time I got to run inside the house. However, at some point or the other, one of my aunt’s would intervene and relieve achchi of the chase and make us have our nap. Needless to say the nap was needed and gave us [both my brother and I] the energy to get through the rest of the day. Sadly, I was too small to realize that.

I don’t remember much about Achchi, and I am sad about that. It’s the little things that I remember. Her smell, that lingering smell of her which I don’t-unfortunately- have a comparison to and her voice. I remember sharing her bed at night when I use to stay over and her telling me that kicked her in my sleep but she never complained about it.

I remember even today that she wanted me to toughen up and face the real world, even when I was a little child of 7 or 8 years old. Those who know me know that I am not fond of spicy food. Even as a child that was the case. However, achchi thought differently. She believed that I should get use to the spicy food, because most Sri Lankans eat spicy food, and I would find it difficult to eat out if I didn’t get use to it. Unfortunately, even today, I am still unable to digest too much spice.

I remember her letting me play till it got too dark to play outside, something ammi didn’t allow much. She let us mess the garden, as long as we tidied up afterwards. I remember she was very caring towards her plants and wouldn’t let us harm them or pluck their leaves. I remember cycling on our road, with the ‘kalu mallis’ [three brothers who were dark in complexion] and once falling over, which ended up with me being right under the bicycle. To this day, I have no idea how I managed to be in that weird position. I was scratched and bruised. I remember achchi coming to my aid quickly, having seen the incident from her ‘spot’ by the window. She was so terrified that I had injured my head. I was so cool about it and wanted to get back to playing but she wouldn’t hear of it. Sometimes achchi was cool. She used to defend me when I was falsely accused. I remember once my neighbour [a girl from my school who’s a year younger than me who was living across the road] and I were running up and down the little hill in our achchi’s garage and my friend fell on her face, badly injuring her chin. Achchi was angry that we were being careless, but she knew it as that girl’s fault for tripping over her own feet. Her parents were furious too and scolded me, but achchi came to my rescue. Thereafter achchi told me not to play with her as I would get in to more trouble. However, I was allowed to go to her house and play, as she wasn’t allowed to come out till she was cured. Now I realize what achchi said at that time is true. Over the years, due to various reasons, I lost touch with her, even though she still lives across the street from achchi’s. I am happy I am not in touch because I too would have ended up being messed up as she is, had I been friends with her.

I still don’t know much about achchi, because I never knew her as an adult. I only saw her in my child’s eyes. She will always be my Sudu Achchi, with white hair and fair, soft skin. I will never know what had her ticking or why she loved to sit by the window, all I will have with me are the little memories I will carry with me and the thought that I wished I spent more time with her.

My Achchi, as I Remember Her

White long hair and chubby

Is how I remember her.

Running behind us, with cane in hand,

Correcting us, when we err.

Making us eat good food,

That was her.

An afternoon nap, was a must

When staying with her.

Soft was her skin

Just like a baby.

Brings a smile on my face,

As I think about her from my memory as a baby.

This was then.

She is no more now.

I keep wishing I had spent more time then,

A wish, which keeps coming to me, even now.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

First Timers in India

  • Travel by bus not knowing where it will take me [long story]
  • Take a ride from a stranger [I still can’t believe I did that]
  • Get lost in a crowded city, thanks to wrong directions by the police
  • Go running for about 2-3 km a day
  • Sit at a bus stop for an hour waiting for a bus to come
  • Buying so many books, that I was nearly broke
  • Live on mostly fruits and bread for about 2 months
  • Known as the sportiest of the DJs
  • Get fever 5 times in 3 months and have constant stomach problems *sigh*
  • Identified as a ‘tech freak’
  • Have interactions and more which were interesting with non- Sri Lankans :P
  • Eat at a restaurant, next door to a brothel =/
  • Travel for 12 hours in a bus
  • Use an outdoor toilet :P
  • See 10 peacocks’ and a fox in a single day
  • Visit Bodhgaya and walk the ground that Lord Budda walked on
  • See places that I have studied for history and Buddhist Civilisation
  • Visit other religious worship places like the Golden Temple-Seikh and a Jain Temple-Sarnath
  • Travel for more than 13 hours by train, in a sleeper
  • Sleeping for approximately 10 hours in a train :D
  • Travel at night in bandit ridden places
  • Went in an ambulance
  • Have an adopted global family- Mauritius mom, Iraq elder brother, two Nepal elder brothers, Tanzanian elder sister, Sri Lankan elder sister, two Mauritian younger sisters
  • Travel a lot in India, covering 4 states in the time being I was there

Friday, 17 September 2010


He talks.
Does he know of what he speaks?
I can hear the noise.
But does he mean what he says?

I sit,
Waiting for him to make sense.
Who am I? I start to think,
No knowing where the thoughts will end.

Will he ever stop,
These words of no weight?
Will he ever make sense,
To finally tell me, what needs to be told?

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Heavenly Light

Heaven looked at me,
Calling me,
Guiding me.
It shone its light at me,
Showing me,
Lighting my way.
The skies looked beautiful,
Soft and feathery
With wonderful yellow hues.
I felt transported,
Standing there
Looking at the heavenly light
Shinning welcomingly.
At that moment,
I knew I was in heaven!

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Light & Darkness

Black with fury
Like all hell hath broken loose
The white light shines
Like it pleadeth mercy.
The darkness and gale
Knows no kindness,
The shimmer of light and the soft clouds
Smile kindly from the heavens above.
Dark waters warns of dangers
Yet the cotton clouds emit comfort.
The waves crash on the rocks
While the wind blows lovingly on the face.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Lost Soul

Conversations with friends are truly intriguing! I can safely say that! I wonder if this has happened to anyone else, where you are of the assumption that a certain friend has their life and everything to do with it, all sorted out and then end up knowing they are far from it.

It's quite eye opening, when you hear that one of your good friends considers them self a 'lost soul' when all along you thought they were quite settled in life and was content with it. I don't know how to express my shock. I mean how does that happen? If everyone around them thinks they are 'settled' and to the contrary they are not?!

This had me thinking throughout the night that we are all such lost souls- so to say. Aren't we all trying in vain to figure out who we are and what we are doing? Are we not trying to find out the purpose in life? I for one know that I have no clue at all as to what I want to do with my life. I suppose I am the most 'lost' person I know! Apparently they are equally lost people around me, but looks like I've not seen it or could it have been that I chose not to see it? How ever it may be, the fact at hand remains that we-as human beings- are more lost than we give room to think.

Once a friend told me, if you're happy with the way you're living and if you can smile at the end of a long day, then you should be content with your life. I believe there is weight in what she said. For if we can't go to sleep at night and have a peaceful night's sleep, then there is something to worry about.

I think i have gone astray from where I started off. I, as an individual, have stopped trying to figure my soul. I have decided that I will remain in this state of being 'lost'. It's more to do with my peace of mind, than anything else. I feel that I am and I can enjoy life more this way, than having to figure out where I want to go and what I want to do with my life.

I think being 'lost' in life, has its pros and I am going to indulge in this 'lost-ness' more and more to come!

Life: intricate or not?

A recent conversation with a friend of mine got me thinking if we really know what life has in store for us! I mean seriously, we have these dreams and aspire certain things in life. Surely there are some of us who make elaborate plans in life too-I am not guilty of that however. What got me thinking was, how does one know how these plans will turn out? I mean there's no guarantee of any kind to let us know that what we wish for will come true. Even with all that, we still do, do we not?

A few years back-I can't recall what led me to do this- I stopped making plans and started going with the flow. Yes, it can also be interpreted as I-let-life-take-me-where-it-wants-me. Having said that, I haven't really lost out much on 'life'. Far from it, I would say. I think I have enjoyed more of 'life' due its spontaneity! I am surprised and that is exciting!

See for me, plans, however minute they maybe have a tendency to just melt where they started. So after much trial and error- more error at that- I learned not to keep my hopes up on what I want and let myself go with the flow! This little method of mine has brought me along way. It has kept disappointments at bay-simply because I am not expecting anything, so there are no standards set to be disappointed about and I am stress free and take the utmost pleasure in being surprised caught off guard! However, it goes without saying that I still do come across my fare share of disappointments, but at least it too takes me by surprise so, I can laugh it off should I choose to!

For me, life is truly complicated I would say-cliche I agree. I don't want to figure it out. I just want to enjoy the time I'm living while I am at it. I have made up my mind to enjoy the intricacies and the mysteries it brings my way and take it with a stride. What more can I do right? If this helps me to be happy, then why the hell not?

Monday, 17 May 2010

‘Elected’ through racism

ELECTED, a forum theatre based on an election campaign at a private university, shows Mohan Raj and Mihiri Jayasooriya in a heated election campaign to win the Student Council Presidency.

Trying to outdo the other, in an attempt to win the most number of votes, they engage in an intense campaign. Mohan, a Tamil student initially seems the likely candidate to win. However, with Mihiri’s cunning campaign tactics, the chances seem slightly dim. What will happen? Will Mohan be able to win or will Mihiri ultimately win the Council Presidency?

Forum Theatre (FT) was introduced by Augusto Boal in the late twentieth century, as a part of his “Theatre for the Oppressed”. This form of theatre allows the audience to stop, intervene and ultimately change the course of the drama, in an attempt to curb the resulting tragic ending.

Presented by Beyond Borders, a youth led, not for profit organization, ELECTED will focus on the issues of racism in governance with the university atmosphere. Beyond Borders uses Forum Theatre as a means to highlight deep rooted sensitive issues within society. Previous productions of Beyond Borders include ‘Censored’ and most recently ‘Jerk?’.

The Forum Theatre will be staged at the Namel Malini Punchi Theatre, on the 22nd of May 2010 from 5pm onwards. Come and see the election campaign of the two candidates unravel on stage!

For more information

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Solitary Respect

It stood tall, dark and solitary.
Majestic and alone.
Free from influence,
Away from the crowd.
It stood,
Gaining respect.
The Pine Tree.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Take a Minute

Take a minute
To say a word- say a word
To a friend.

Take a minute
To put a smile on someone's face,
A smile that will
Warm their hearts.

Take a minute
To listen to someone
'Coz you never know it it's important
Or if it will be the last time.

Take a minute
To appreciate life
And the beauty around you,
'Coa you never know what's in store.

Take a minute
To tell you family & friends
That you love them,
'Coz you never know when life will end.

**In memory of my friend Chika Aomori**

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Tell me will I be normal again?

Looking around me, I fail to realise what I see.
I wonder if I am back, or if this is only a dream.
I try to understand what these feelings are,
If they are mine or from a fairytale.

I fail to understand what reality is.
I seem to float about, and
I am told I am distant.
I wonder what it is that I feel?

Jet lag? they tell me,
Ship sick some say.
I see many faces around me,
But fail to put a name on them.

At night I dream of scores of faces,
Living parts of the dream we shared together.
The mornings are the worst,
As I have to face the inevitable world!

I feel like I am in dreamland or a fairytale
As you please.
I fail to realise what normalcy is,
Or what it use to be.

Tell me will I be normal again?
Will I ever be me?
These are some questions I ask,
Unable to wake up from this dream!

** Something that spontaneously came to my mind, right now**