Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Reality vs Illusion

You say you're busy?
That's good!
It shows you have a life
and that you are hardworking.

You say you haven't time?
I don't comprehend. 
We always have time.
We make time for what matters.

You don't care?
Thank you for showing me the reality;
For showing me your real nature. 
I will now move on, and go on my way. 

Was this an illusion?
I refuse to be blinded by it. 
I am letting myself absorb the reality,
And live in it; the real and the beautiful.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

What is love?

What is love?
Some say it is about letting go,
Some, that it is about caring.
But I think, it's that fine balance in between.

What is love,
But to hold each other through,
Encouraging growth 
And wading through murky waters.

Love is to
Accept the other's flaws 
Yet, stand by their side,
So they are never alone.

Talking to each other; communicating
Goofing around and laughing, 
Enjoying each other,
That's love. 

Love is having faith.
In knowing that tomorrow brings their smile to you
And things will be okay.
Love is, just that; love. 

Sunday, 17 February 2019


He is mine to love,
Mine to miss,
He is mine to kiss as long as I wish.

He is mine to hug,
Mine to hold,
He is all mine to cuddle with. 

Monday, 4 February 2019

Every day as I wait

Every day as I wait, 
A little part of me dies.
Scared about the future, 
And unsure about this entire exercise. 

I walk around in circles,
And I could hear myself sigh.
I think about your last words,
And wonder whether I am high.

I let time pass me by
Not knowing what else to do.
I sit and stare, some times at us,
Because that's where I am with you. 

Yearning for You

My sleep is no longer restless,
I don't lie awake thinking.
I feel like I have slept a thousand hours,
And wake up clearly dreaming.

I yearn to hear your voice,
But I'm unable to call.
I put my dammed fears aside,
And think about your brown eyes.

I tell myself that this is the storm,
And I will find you on the other side.
My angels tell me to be patient,
Because I am learning in the meanwhile. 

Friday, 1 February 2019

A Week

What a lot a week can do,
For just last week, we were talking of the future, being all serious.
What a lot seven days can do,
For there was time to laugh, love, hug and be scared.

So much can change, be different
In a day, a week, a month or a year.
Who knows what tomorrow holds?
So I go forward, taking a leap of faith.

But I look back, and smile.
Because it entices you, and that, makes me happy.
I smile, looking forward as well.
Because I know that's where you will be, waiting for me. 

- Robes of a Muse

මටම කියා ආදරයක්

ම‌ෙ ල‌ෝක‌ෙ මට ආදරය කරන ක‌ෙන‌ෙක් ක‌ොහ‌ෙහරි ඇති,
ඒහ‌ෙම ව‌ෙන්න ඔන‌ෙ න‌ේද?
අපි ජීවිතය හුද‌ෙකලාව ග‌ෙවියයුතු නැහැ න‌ේද?
කවුරුහරි ක‌ොතනක හරි මට සිටීවි න‌ේද?

අද ඔබ සමග ඒ ආදරය ස‌ොයන්න බැරි වුවහ‌ොත්
මට ඒ ආදරය ඔබ‌ෙ‌න් න‌ොලැබුනහ‌ොත් මට ව‌ෙ‌න්ව‌ෙන්න ව‌ෙවි න‌ේද?
මට මටම කියා ආදරය කරන ක‌ෙන‌ෙක් ස‌ොයන්න අවසරයි න‌ේද?
ඔබ මාගැන වැරදියට වටහාගන්න‌ෙ නැහැ න‌ේද?

හුදකලා ජීවිතය මට හුරුයි, කැමතියි
නමුත් එය කා සමග හ‌ෝ බ‌ෙදාගන්න විඳින්න ඒත් කැමතියි.
ඉතින් මට අවසරයි, ඔබ‌ෙ‌ ආදරය මට න‌ොලැබ‌ෙන්න‌ේ නම් නික්ම යන්න.
අපි කවදා හ‌ෝ ක‌ොතැනක ‌හ‌ෝ නැවත හමුවනු නියතයි.