This is what they call it; a canker that is. The layman probably might not know what this is. This growth, but we all know, it can be deadly if not treated on time.
I had to visit the cancer hospital in Maharagama the other day. No, it was not to make a generous contribution of something. I went to see a patient, my aunt. This is not the first time there. Once before I had to visit my uncle who received treatment for cancer and who later, passed away. Initially, going to the hospital was a bit-what can I say?-'weird'? I had heard so much about how depressing the place was from persons who had visited it before. Therefore I wasn't too keen on going. The only thing that did made me, was the wanting to see my uncle. This time, it was different. I knew the place wasn't bad as it's known to be. I now know the hundreds of people seeking treatment within get the best attention and medical treatment that can be given.
My uncle smoked tobacco and thus harmed himself to the point that one of his lungs started to liquefy. Yes, he was in pain in the latter stages of his life. It is this pain that got him to the hospital. Even though he was advised-medically- that quitting this habit could save his life, early on, he never listened. He continued to torture his already damaged lungs by smoking. From this I relearned some thing. That smoking does in fact kill people! It does not only cause growths inside a person, it also takes away part of the human, even the entire being, in the worst case scenario. My uncle's callousness in not following medical advice and continuing this bad habit, killed him-literally. This I would call, inflicting death upon oneself.
My aunt on the other hand, has a growth in her body, which she has had for the past so many years, I am told. She didn't know she had a growth in her until it caused her pain. Even then, she sought to take some pain killers and relieve it. She is to be operated and the growth areas are to be removed from her body. Let's see how that goes. What really worries me is that with all the modern day awareness that takes place with regard to cancer, she didn't attempt to get this 'pain' checked. We, as her family were shocked beyond words to hear that the cancer has been growing for so many years and without her knowledge.
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