Thursday, 21 February 2013

A Poem to Uncle Gabo

Can't believe a year's gone
Since you have stopped being with us.
But I can't help sneeking a glance
At the corner chair in which you were the king.

Those days I'd walk in to the hall with the TV bright
And have a chat about the match being played.
Today I walk and see it blank,
Without a colour, nothing but black.

I miss the little chats we had.
They weren't long or deep,
But always just the right words
To put a smile on my face.

Looking back I can't help but remember You always did take the windows!
Guess windows were your spot
And I guess that's how I'll remember you.

As a kid, I was in awe of the drums,
the guitars and the pianos played.
Nor forget the yummy food you'd order for us.

I don't always remember you as a jovial being.
But also as the person who would sometimes discipline your kids.
By god, was I not terrified of you then!
A slipper in hand, shouting one of their names!

I'd always wonder where you got your high spirits and energy
To be so easy going and care-free.
I wish you are as charming a person wherever you are,
And continue to be in such good spirits.

Miss you uncle. :(

Monday, 18 February 2013

Life is brief

I sat down at the pc to get some reading done. Having come back home after attending the funeral of a school friend, I couldn't bring myself to concentrate. My heart's heavy and eyes fog with tears every time I think of her. 

Life is unsure. 

If I have learned anything over the weekend, it is that life is full of its shocks and untimely surprises. The passing away of my friend in an untimely manner is one. 

Life is brief. 

We don't know till when or how we will live our lives. So it's best to live our lives in a way we don't have to regret. Be it a phone call, a letter or a email to a friend. Or a simple smile or hug. Appreciate those who help you make it through the day, for one knows not when it is time to say goodbye. 

I leave you with Tennessee Williams's words; "life is all memory except for the one present moment that goes by so quick you can hardly catch it going." 

Dedicated to my friend Chekila, who left us in an untimely manner. You will be missed and your laughter will continue to echo in our ears and leave a space that cannot be filled.