Since you have stopped being with us.
But I can't help sneeking a glance
At the corner chair in which you were the king.
Those days I'd walk in to the hall with the TV bright
And have a chat about the match being played.
Today I walk and see it blank,
Without a colour, nothing but black.
I miss the little chats we had.
They weren't long or deep,
But always just the right words
To put a smile on my face.
Looking back I can't help but remember You always did take the windows!
Guess windows were your spot
And I guess that's how I'll remember you.
As a kid, I was in awe of the drums,
the guitars and the pianos played.
Nor forget the yummy food you'd order for us.
I don't always remember you as a jovial being.
But also as the person who would sometimes discipline your kids.
By god, was I not terrified of you then!
A slipper in hand, shouting one of their names!
I'd always wonder where you got your high spirits and energy
To be so easy going and care-free.
I wish you are as charming a person wherever you are,
And continue to be in such good spirits.
Miss you uncle. :(